Royal Humanoid Labs
"Human Beyond"
The project focuses on effectively "nurturing" the physical and mental body through frequencies
Achieve balance and harmony through innovative frequency therapy methods
Through frequency therapy and Acess Bars, we address energetic blockages and support the body’s natural healing processes, paving the way for profound transformation. Our mission is to empower you to explore new possibilities that enhance your quality of life, fostering a future where health and harmony are within the reach of more people. Join us on this journey towards a vibrant and fulfilling existence!
Martin G.N. Koloc
Aliyyah Koloc
Both racers regularly utilize frequency therapy, which they apply almost daily. At home, they use the Royal Diamond Plasma generator for muscle recovery and relaxation, as well as therapies focused on brain frequencies (alpha, beta, delta, theta) and Schumann resonances. They consult with experts from RHL regarding dosing. During joint therapy sessions with our therapists, they also use NLS Royal Diamond and Ac
• Arrival of the therapist
• Joint consultation about your health condition
◦ What health issues are troubling you? (current and long-term)
◦ Discussion of contraindications
◦ General information about your life, work, family, and partner (RHL
• Selection of the necessary therapy:
◦ Royal Diamond Plasma
◦ NLS Royal Diamond
◦ Access Bars
★ Royal Diamond Plasma
– Ensure adequate hydration before and after the therapy.
1. Diagnostics (Biofeedback)
• Attaching measurement watches
• Removal of all metal objects (watches, glasses, earrings, rings, necklaces, belts, bras with
underwires, piercings, etc.)
• Lying position, with arms and legs uncrossed, kept alongside the body
• Duration: approximately 20-30 minutes
2. Assessment of findings
3. Immediate therapy
• Duration: 1-3.5 hours, depending on the findings and dosage
• Treatment radius: 2-3 meters – it is essential to have a private room unless it’s a group
• Comfortable position – lying down (recommended), sitting, during sleep at night. However
you can do anything, as long as you stay within the treatment radius.
4. Planning a post-therapy schedule
• Types of therapies and their frequency
• Whether additional supports are needed, their types, and frequency (Harmonello, oils,
extracts, tools)
• Recommended lifestyle and diet adjustments – what to increase and what to reduce
★ NLS Royal Diamond
– Do not eat 2-3 hours before the therapy.
– Ensure adequate hydration before and after the therapy.
– Limit the use of electronics before the therapy (e.g. prolonged phone calls) as this can affect the
1. Diagnostics
• Wearing measuring headphones
• Removal of all metal objects (watches, glasses, earrings, rings, necklaces, belts, bras with
underwires, piercings, etc.)
• Lying position, with arms and legs uncrossed, kept alongside the body
• Duration: approximately 20-30 minutes
2. Assessment of findings
3. Immediate therapy
• Comfortable lying/sitting position, feet must not touch the ground
• Duration: 1-2 hours, depending on the findings
4. Planning a post-therapy schedule
• Types of therapies and their frequency
• Whether additional supports are needed, their types, and frequency (Harmonello, oils,
extracts, tools)
• Recommended lifestyle and diet adjustments – what to increase and what to reduce